The Society
About the Society
Holstein UK is Europe's largest independent breed society. It offers a range of services to the dairy industry targeted at improving the genetics and profitability of the Holstein and British Friesian breeds.
The Society has built up a portfolio of services designed to improve your breeding decisions along with the quality, profitability and longevity of your herd. Today, Holstein UK has around 4,500 members and registers almost 200,000 cattle each year.
Whilst continuing to be registered in the Herd Book, with percentages of Friesian denoted, those over 87.5% British Friesian are allocated their own Breed Code. This allows for Production and Type Evaluation data specific to the Breed. For general information on British Friesians, visit the British Friesian Breeders Club website, or for more information on individual animals visit the Holstein UK Animal Data page.
About the Breeds
A rich heritage and many years of classification, milk recording and selective breeding have produced the high performance dairy cow that is the modern British Holstein. Today's Holstein cow is an unparalleled converter of forage into dairy, achieving on average over 9,500kg milk yield together with 700kg combined fat and protein.
British Friesians
With over a hundred years of breeding optimising UK grazing conditions, the British Friesian has retained its body condition and reputation as one of the most fertile dairy breeds in the world. High mature yields and impressive feed efficiency due to their low maintenance requirement contribute to profitability and the enhanced value of male calves provide a valuable additional source of income.
Through the Society, you can meet your breeding objectives, maximise your production targets and utilise your farming system with the Holstein and British Friesian breeds.