
Holstein UK Downloads

Holstein UK Downloads

Holstein UK Membership Handbook V3.6 The Holstein UK Membership Handbook was updated in November 2024.
Holstein UK Strategy 2023-2027 The latest Holstein UK five year strategy (2023-2027) was published in 2023. Within the Strategy document, we have captured feedback from the membership survey and set out a five-year plan of aspirations, objectives and actions required, which meet our charitable objective and mission statement.
HYB Coordinator Handbook Document to advise the Coordinators of Holstein Young Breeders on the rules and procedures of HYB, along with advice and information on various aspects of the youth movement. Other HYB documents are available on the HYB Resources Page.

Holstein UK Forms

Cattle Log form (GB)

This form is designed to help our Members in Great Britain to receive the best service possible from Holstein UK, as well as providing you with a permanent record of all of the information you provide. 

Cattle Log form (NI) This form is designed to help our Members in Northern Ireland to receive the best service possible from Holstein UK, as well as providing you with a permanent record of all of the information you provide. 
The above Cattle Log forms are available for you to download and print but please note that they are also available as ready-printed books from Membership Services

ET2 Form - PDF

ET2 Form - Word

This Embryo Amendment Form is to be completed and submitted by post or emailed to Membership Services.  If you require an ET1 form please contact Membership Services.
Passport Application Authorisation Form This form enables you to authorise Holstein UK to make passport applications to BCMS/ScotEID on your behalf.
Paperless Registration Consent Form This form must be completed if you wish to register animals under the Holstein UK Paperless System.


To contact Membership Services call 01923 695200 or email