Registering Holsteins and British Friesians can be done in one of three easy ways, whilst also applying for passports at the same time. Either receive a posted pedigree certificate for each calf or save money by viewing them in the Member’s Area, where you can also download and print them yourself.
Over two-thirds of calf registrations are now submitted online via our WebReg application.
Members can also register calves by telephone Monday-Friday 8am-5pm on 0800 980 8565 or through other on-farm software programs.
Calf registrations should be submitted within 59 days of the animal’s date of birth, Registrations can be submitted at 60 days and over on payment of an increased registration fee.
Members can choose whether they wish to receive a pedigree certificate for each calf registration. Updated registration certificates can be printed via the Member’s Area of the Holstein UK website or by contacting the Membership Services team.
Holstein UK offers a grading up procedure to enable members with non-pedigree animals to start the process to become pedigree. A Whole Herd Grade Up offer is open to all members with non-pedigree animals, irrespective of numbers. Only one application will be accepted per member, so it is important that all non-pedigree animals are applied for.
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