15 Aug 2018

Holstein UK looks forward to welcoming Australian Exchange

Following the success of the 2017 and 2018 HYB Exchanges, Holstein UK are delighted to announce that Amabel Grinter will be travelling to the UK from Muckatah, Northern Victoria, Australia this September on the Holstein Australia Youth UK Exchange 2018. HYB members, if you are interested in going on the return exchange to Australia early next year, keep an eye out for our competition launch, coming very soon!

Amabel will spend a month travelling the length and breadth of Britain staying and working with Holstein UK members, and will also attend the All Britain All Breeds calf show as a guest of Holstein Young Breeders. The All Breeds All Britain Calf Show is organised by HYB & held annually in October. It is one of the highlights of the HYB calendar, featuring showmanship & calf conformation classes for seven dairy breeds.

The focus of Amabel’s trip will be learning, practical on-farm experience, skills development and networking. She will gain first-hand knowledge of how dairy farming in the UK compares to back home, and is planning to use that information to further her own career in agriculture.

Twenty-two year old Amabel graduated from La Trobe University with a Bachelor of Agricultural Science last year, and is planning a career as a nutritionist in the dairy industry.

She is a former La Trobe University Agricultural Society President, has spent time working at the UN Women Female Empowerment Farm in rural Nepal and has taken part in a number of leadership development programs, including Summit to Sea and the Young Endeavour Youth Training Scheme.

She was brought up on her parent’s dairy farm, and has played an active role in managing the farm and AI programs since her teens. Currently the Grinter family run a mixed herd of 60% Holsteins and 40% cross-breds and Jerseys, with a program underway to significantly increase the number of Holsteins.

Amabel is committed to the sustainability and progression of agriculture, and on the back of winning the Holstein Australia Youth UK Exchange, is dedicating the rest of this year to learning best practice on farms worldwide.

“From taking part in the Holstein Australia Youth UK exchange, I hope to broaden my knowledge in worldwide genetics, and overall worldwide dairy competition. I think that international opportunities to compare how dairy in Australia compares to other countries are the best opportunity we have to remain a sustainable industry here. I hope I will return home with unique ideas that can be implemented onto my own family farm, but also ideas that can be spread across the entire industry,” says Amabel.

Graeme Gillan, Holstein Australia CEO, says Amabel was the standout applicant from a very high quality field of candidates for this year’s Exchange.

“Interest in the Holstein Australia Youth UK Exchange continues to grow each year. We were very impressed by the number of high quality applications and the depth of knowledge, experience and commitment to both the Holstein breed and a career in agriculture demonstrated by all our entrants.

“Amabel will, I am sure, have a fantastic time in the UK and return with knowledge and experiences she can apply to her future career,” says Graeme.

Funded by Holstein Australia, the Holstein Australia Youth UK Exchange 2018 runs from Saturday 22 September to Sunday 21 October. As part of her prize package, Amabel will receive return airfares to the UK and hosted accommodation on Holstein UK members’ dairy farms throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, as well as playing an active role at the All Breeds All Britain Calf Show.