16/06/2023 19:30:00
NI Stock Judging & Linear Event
Starting in: 22 Days 13 Hours
16 June 2023
07:30PM - 09:00PM

96 Back Road,  Drumbo, Lisburn, County Antrim, BT27 5LB

NI final stock judging event of the year will be kindly hosted by the Reid Family of Drumbo Holsteins, Lisburn on Friday 16th June 2023 @ 7.30pm.

They will also be joined by Lynden Bustard, Holstein UK, who will coach members on the linear assessment.

Members are reminded that in order to qualify for the national competitions day you must attend at least two of the three judging events - so if you missed one of the others you must attend this one and the this one. This will be the ONLY chance to qualify for the linear assessment.