Holstein UK Announces Winner of 2024 President’s Medal Award
Holstein UK were delighted to present the prestigious President’s Medal Award to Jamie Pottow at the Semex International Dairy Conference in Glasgow on the evening of Monday 13th January.
Jamie who is a member of the South & Wiltshire Holstein Young Breeders (HYB) Club has been recognised for the outstanding contribution he has made to the breed, his Club and the wider HYB community. His prize consists of an engraved medal and a trip to The Royal Winter Fair in Toronto this November, kindly funded by HYB Principal Sponsor Semex UK. In addition, Jamie was presented with the Sue Cope Memorial Trophy. Holstein UK also congratulate the three runners-up Christie Baker (South Wales), Emily Shorthouse (Western) and Lizzie Cotton (Staffordshire).
The Holstein UK President's Medal recognises and rewards young talent and highlights individuals who will be the next generation of dairy farmers. The entry process includes Clubs nominating one HYB member, aged between 23 and 26 years old, who must submit an essay with shortlisted candidates then being invited for an interview with a panel of judges. The 2024 essay title was ‘Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the genetic breeding techniques commonly available to UK farms and then suggest your optimum solution to driving genetic progress in an average UK herd.’ and provoked an inspirational collection of essays, with the four finalist’s copies available to read online.
Joining the Holstein UK President Nick Helyer on this year’s judging panel were Semex UK representative Jeremy Dain and industry representative Heather Pritchard. We were delighted to welcome them, along with the shortlisted young breeders, to the Holstein UK Head Office in Telford, Shropshire for the interviews. Following the interviews, the final four young breeders were selected ahead of the winner being officially announced.
Holstein UK President Nick Helyer commented, “The winner has a very broad knowledge of the subject with a lot of research put into making his essay very interesting and with an excellent conclusion. He is also very interested in helping younger members and encouraging them to take part in HYB, showing cattle and in club activities. His work in the wider community with the Samaritans and mental health is very commendable and shows he is a very compassionate and a rounded person.”
Heather Pritchard commented “Jamie is a family generation farmer and young breeder of dairy cattle who has grasped huge opportunities both through the family business and worldwide working opportunities. It was clear to see that his international experiences have broadened his knowledge and skills of the agricultural industry and although his feet are firmly back in the family business, he was invited to continue to be part of the decision making of future projects with his Canadian family. It was clear he encourages future HYB members with their skills and bringing together young people for the future of farming. His passion for the dairy industry was obvious to see and he is a leading example of the next generation of farmers in the UK today. His vision looking forward for genetic breeding techniques is all dairy farmers should utilise the combination of genomic data and mating programs as these two components are both financially beneficial.”
Jeremy commented “This year’s winner produced an essay of very high quality, comprehensively covering the question set. It covered all areas possible when it came to the subject of genetic progress and how he would look to advise achieving the best possible results for an average UK herd with the tools available. Jamie achieved this with clarity and reasoning in his writing in a clear understanding way. This also came through in the interview stage where his knowledge and passion really came through even diving into how he would manage the practical reproductive efficiency to achieve his outcomes too. At a personal level what also came through in the interview stage was his dedication and passion to HYB and YFC in what it has given him over the years and how he wants to be able to give back to the next generation. Jamie also talked about being included in projects working with the Samaritans at a local level specifically looking at mental health within the industry for all age categories. Well done Jamie.”
Naomi Lewis, National HYB Coordinator said “As well as being an excellent platform for presenting the results of the President's Medal Award, the Semex Conference presents an excellent opportunity for the finalists to attend. As Principal Sponsor of HYB and a continued supporter of the President's Medal Award, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Semex UK. My thanks also go to the judges.”
From Nick Helyer
Holstein UK President Nick Helyer commented, “The four finalists impressed me with the knowledge they have about the subject “The Strengths and Weakness of Genetic Breeding.” I thought all the essays were well researched and well presented. All four applicants are passionate about the Holstein Society, the cows and the HYB. I must admit they made me aware of what we need to do to encourage new members and to also keep them in the Holstein Club as they mature.
From Heather Pritchard
Christie Baker:
She carries her heart on her sleeve when it comes to breeding cows and a great advocate for HYB. It was clear her support for the next generation was in abundance even to the point she would make sure at club calf shows every young member who wanted to show would have a calf even if she supplied them all! Her opportunity to travel to Australia to represent the UK was a huge chance to see what skills and ideas she could gain as well as making new friends on the other side of the world. With a strong family support, Christie has been able to develop the family herd onto the showing scene and is one of the main contributors to the business being able to develop and see the benefits and differences she is making to their family business. Her essay provided a clear vision of the tools and skills available and the benefits to be reaped. She was explaining her thought process of using these tools and the attributes to be gained.
Emily Shorthouse:
Coming from a non-farming background, she expressed the sheer determination and focus she has for the love of cows. Quickly gaining knowledge of some of the great cow families within the UK from previous working experiences at noted herds, she has grasped the passion and drive needed to be involved within the HYB movement and the dairy sector in general. Within her day to day working role, the contents of her essay were brought to the fore highlighting the values available to UK farmers for producing the type of animal which would be suitable to them. Her vision for the future is being part of a successful team developing the components within Genetic Breeding Techniques for UK Farms. In an ideal world and an important factor to Emily would be to help in teaching where our food comes from and their true values.
Lizzie Cotton:
Has taken every opportunity to gain experience and knowledge over the years whilst she has been involved with HYB and is now able to share her skills and mentor the younger members within her Club. Lizzie has such a positive attitude to life and has a clear vision of the type of cow and herd she is building towards in the future. The content of her essay was very comprehensive and interesting also providing clear goals to get to suitable solutions of genomic testing and a breeding plan. Her vision for the future is developing sustainability within herds. In an ideal world she would like to see a stable milk price.
From Jeremy Dain
Well done to all four finalists, Due to the quality of the nominees it was tough to separate them after completing all the stages. It was an absolute pleasure and privilege to involved in the 2024 Presidents medal. All four finalists produced high quality essays to the question set this year. All showing a great depth of knowledge and understanding of areas associated with genetic progress along with the whole industry that they are all clearly passionate about. It was a pleasure to be able to sit and spend time with each of them and the panel discussing their essays, HYB, personal goals and their visions of the future in the industry through their eyes. Congratulations to all four finalists, you are a credit to the industry, HYB and more importantly, yourselves. Truely inspiring, thank you.
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