Distinguished Service Award
Holstein UK's Distinguished Service Award is eligible to members employees who have given 25 years continuous service involving not more than two employers or two pedigree herds.
Recipients are awarded a medal engraved with their name, number of years’ service and date of the award. They can choose the manner in which they wish the award to be presented i.e. at an agricultural show, by a representative of Holstein UK or privately.
Members wishing to apply for one of these awards for any member or an employee of a member should complete and return this form. On receipt of the completed form, the application will be considered and if successful arrangements will be made for the engraving of the medal and for its presentation.
DOWNLOAD the Distinguished Service Award nomination form as word doc
DOWNLOAD the Distinguished Service Award nomination form as PDF
David Noblet was awarded a Holstein UK Distinguished Service Award for his 46 years of service to the Whitecarr Holstein Herd where he has been a vital member of the team since 1978. David started working at White Carr Farm, Preston, aged 16 and today he is a well respected herdsman and pedigree cattle breeder.
Grace Brown was awarded a Holstein UK Distinguished Service Award for her outstanding contributions towards the Shropshire Holstein Club.
Kevin Rothwell, West Midlands
Mr Keith Davies was awarded a Holstein UK Distinguished Service for his life-long commitment to the Holstein breed.
Photograph: Mr Keith Davies being presented with his Distinguished Service award by Holstein UK President Peter Waring.
The Holstein UK Distinguished Service Award was presented to Keith Davies by Holstein UK President Peter Waring. The award is eligible to members’ employees who have given 25 years continuous service involving not more than two employers or two pedigree herds.
Winner, 79-year-old Keith Davies, was nominated by the Shropshire Holstein Club for his dedicated service. Born in Lydbury North, Shropshire, Keith started his dairy career working for the Griffiths family in the summer holidays of 1953; he was the third generation of the Davies family to do so. In 1954 Keith started working on a small dairy farm when he left school prior to starting at Walford College at which he won the RD Parks Trophy for Top Dairy Student 1955/56.
Keith started full time with the 'Montgomery' herd as Assistant Herdsman on the 7th September 1959 and this is where his love of showing cows really started with many shows being won, including The Royal, Royal Welsh and Champion Bull at the famous Reading Bull Sales in 1965. He progressed to Herd Manager and then overall Farm Manager. He worked in this capacity for the Griffiths family until he retired after over 54 years of full time service. Keith still works for them part time in his 'retirement', managing the farm interests now that the Montgomery herd is dispersed which brings his total service to 59 years. His continuing energy for his job and loyalty to them is shown by these many years of service.
Keith has many other agricultural interests and was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Agricultural Society for his contribution to agriculture. He currently sits on the Livestock Committee for the Royal Welsh Show and received a Lifetime Service Award from the show in 2004 for services to the Society, particularly on this Committee.
Keith is an active member of the Shropshire Holstein Club Committee on which he has sat since 1961. He was Chairman in 1962/1963 and also held the post of President in 2010. Keith really has put his lifetimes work into the Friesian and Holstein breeds and the Shropshire Club are extremely proud and privileged to have nominated this true gentleman for this prestigious award.
Mr Will Roberts has been awarded a Distinguished Service Award from Holstein UK for his 30 year commitment to the Holstein Breed.